2021年3月21日,向导桑周带来消息,说在热情村看见了雪豹,于是山谷里的三队体验者们都前往那里。 他们真是太幸运啦,见到了这只雪豹吃了一只小岩羊后,舒服的在河边山坡的草滩上休息, 并发出了“嗷呜”的呼喊声,向导义西用手机和望远镜拍摄,捕捉下了这个难得的画面。三月也是雪豹发情的季节,它会不会是在呼唤伴侣呢?
Sunzhou brought the news that a snow leopard was spotted in Reqing village, 3 groups of visitors were lucky enough to see it! According to Yixi, the snow leopard was relaxing on the grass meadow near the river after eating a small blue sheep, and then made calls. Yixi captured this valuable moment on his smart phone. March is the mating season for snow leopard, could this be calling for a mate?